The Internet Pinball Serial Number Database or IPSND collects serial numbers of pinball machines and publishes a database of these on the Internet. Our goal is to make available a registration of all pinball machines in existence and allow tools for slicing, dicing and visualization of the data.

Games: 6,703  Serials: 68,780  Visitors: 75,119,059  Members: 5,648  Photos: 44,292  Lat/Lng: 37,765  Masks: 68,780(1,026.11%)  Traits: 573  Nudges: 224,680  Backglasses: 1,865
  Most Serials: Twilight Zone(1,310)  Most Submissions: Dennis Braun(6,116)  Most Points: Dennis Braun(45,502)  Highest Quality: The Knight(17.00)  Most Nudges: pinballservice-nl(28,448)
Submitter: Dan Quella
Member Since: Monday, July 25, 2016
Submissions: 11 (262nd)
SerialBot: 1,280 Points Total (52nd), 8.18 Average Score (1,376th)
Nudges: 1,190(38th)
DateGameSerialNumberGame PartSerialBotDetails
7/20/2023 Rick And Morty (Blood Sucker Edition) RAM0105200294 Complete Game RAM0105200294
12/27/2022 Rush (Premium) 338748C Complete Game 338748C
9/6/2021 Knockout 2799 Complete Game 2799
6/15/2020 Ship Ahoy 06066 Complete Game 06066
5/26/2020 Firecracker 4045 Complete Game 4045
5/8/2020 Diamond Jack 15416 Complete Game 15416
5/8/2020 Spanish Eyes 126157 Complete Game 126157
5/8/2020 Skill-Ball 61442 Complete Game 61442
5/2/2020 Roto 28400 Complete Game 28400
7/25/2016 Demolition Man 53328351582 Complete Game 53328351582
12/28/2008 Funhouse 50003I575965 Complete Game 50003I575965