The Internet Pinball Serial Number Database or IPSND collects serial numbers of pinball machines and publishes a database of these on the Internet. Our goal is to make available a registration of all pinball machines in existence and allow tools for slicing, dicing and visualization of the data.

Games: 6,703  Serials: 71,743  Visitors: 84,880,248  Members: 5,867  Photos: 47,093  Lat/Lng: 40,269  Masks: 71,743(1,070.31%)  Traits: 574  Nudges: 238,746  Backglasses: 1,865
  Most Serials: Twilight Zone(1,378)  Most Submissions: Dennis Braun(6,199)  Most Points: Dennis Braun(46,145)  Highest Quality: The Knight(17.00)  Most Nudges: pinballservice-nl(30,845)
Cleopatra - IPSND/IPDB No. 532 - December 1977
Backglass Image
Manufacturer: D. Gottlieb & Co., a Columbia Pictures Industries Company
Players: 4
MPU: Gottlieb System 1
Production Run: 7,300
Game Type: Solid State Electronic (SS)
Model: 409
Submissions: 134 serials of 7,300 (1.84%)
Coverage help:

Coverage is a mathematical interpretation of the serial numbers that have been submitted so far. The term 'coverage' relates to the amount of the production run that has been 'covered' in the given submissions.

There are two coverage methods shown, each has a different approach of calculating an guess on the number of games produced by analysing the currently submitted serial numbers.

Linear: Linear coverage simply looks at the highest serial number and subtracts from it the smallest serial number to estimate the number of games produced. For some games, this works fine because the serial numbers were sequential and without gaps (Early Bally, Early Stern, etc). However, this approach starts to fail quickly for games that serial numbers are part of a bigger numbering scheme (Williams pre 1984, Current Stern) or that intentially had gaps/skips in the numbering sequence(Gottlieb post 1960). If you see a linear coverage number that is higher than the known production run, it is probably not the best way to look at the serial range and you should look at the clustered approach below.

Clustered: Clustered coverage assumes that there are gaps/skips in the serial sequence for a game. It groups the serial numbers together based upon how close they are to the next serial number in the sequence. If they fall within a certain threshold then the SerialBot assumes that there are valid serial numbers between the two. If they are far enough apart, then the SerialBot assumes this is a gap. Once all the gaps and groups are determined, it sums up all the linear ranges in each group. This way, if a sample run of games started at 15,000-15,100 and the production games started at 17,000 onwards, it would assume that the serial numbers between 15,100-17,000 were a gap an are not counted. Using this method, as more serial numbers are submitted the gap analysis will get more accurate.

8,661 (118.64%) linear / 6,273(85.93%) in 5 clusters 365 wide.
Cluster Serial Number SerialBot Submitted By Country Game Part

Submit a new Game Trait

The following traits help

Game Traits are properties for an individual game that you would like to see tracked along with the other information gathered for a serial number submission. Some examples of existing traits are... Joust: Black or Blue bottom Arch, Black Knight: Faceted Inserts or Normal Inserts, Twilight Zone: 3rd Magnet Installed or not.

have been submitted for this game...

Field NameDescriptonSubmitted BySubmit DateSubmitted
Cabinet Type The cabinet came in two varieties, one was fully built of plywood while the other had the entire front, bottom and back constructed out of sheet metal. The sheet metal version still had plywood cabinet sides. Jess Askey12/18/200746

Cluster Serial Number Country

This section lists any known game part serials that happen to match this game's serial mask (if defined). What this can tell you is if a game has any orphaned parts that might exist in other machines. This generally applies to CPU/MPU boards, Driver Boards, Display boards etc that are easily moved from game to game. Repair shops and distributors often robbed parts from other 'scrap' games laying around in a pinch if they were not able to fix the original part or of the original part was damaged beyond repair. If serials start showing up in the database as 'game parts', there is potentially a good chance that that game has been parted out completely, which is unfortunate. It is becoming more and more common for people to part out games and sell them on ebay simply because the seller can often make more money that way.... Please do not sacrifice complete games for money!!!

SerialBotSerial NumberTypeSubmitted ByCountryDetails
47287 02294A Display/Driver Rod McLarge United States flag United States
58459 02611A Display/Driver Gerald Fleuriet France flag France
42124 03401A Power Supply Antti Peltonen Hungary flag Hungary
30952 03663 Display/Driver Adam Pretorius South Africa flag South Africa
34442 04153A Display/Driver Rod McLarge Finland flag Finland
70972 04507A Power Supply Antti Peltonen Poland flag Poland
32998 04570A Display/Driver Rod McLarge Cyprus flag Cyprus
35931 04754A MPU/CPU Pistol Pete United States flag United States
36297 05065A Display/Driver John Vorwerk United States flag United States
36034 05065A Display/Driver Rod McLarge United States flag United States
28897 05105A Solenoid Driver John Vorwerk United States flag United States
30735 05147A Display/Driver John Vorwerk United States flag United States
35618 05163A Display/Driver Adam United States flag United States
54755 05262A Solenoid Driver Rod McLarge Canada flag Canada
34230 05297A Power Supply Rod McLarge United States flag United States
34337 05341A MPU/CPU Rod McLarge Canada flag Canada
41222 05485A Power Supply Rod McLarge United States flag United States
34186 05563A Display/Driver Rod McLarge United States flag United States
41842 05661A Power Supply Adam United States flag United States
34234 06141A Display/Driver Rod McLarge United States flag United States
42800 06329A Power Supply Rod McLarge United States flag United States
34029 06352A MPU/CPU Rod McLarge United States flag United States
27787 06392A MPU/CPU Pistol Pete United States flag United States
48856 06458A Solenoid Driver Rod McLarge United States flag United States
35173 06464A Display/Driver Pat Herbert United States flag United States
36066 06515A Power Supply Adam United States flag United States
35987 06551A Solenoid Driver Rod McLarge United States flag United States
20726 06576A Display/Driver John Vorwerk United States flag United States
36011 06583A Solenoid Driver Rod McLarge United States flag United States
20714 06585A Display/Driver John Vorwerk United States flag United States
36014 06595A Solenoid Driver Rod McLarge United States flag United States
36463 06937A Display/Driver John Vorwerk United States flag United States
48862 07099A MPU/CPU Rod McLarge United States flag United States
74441 07109A Solenoid Driver John Vorwerk United States flag United States
72702 07109A Solenoid Driver John Vorwerk United States flag United States
72701 07109A Solenoid Driver John Vorwerk United States flag United States
30567 07397A Display/Driver Pat Herbert United States flag United States
39391 07423A MPU/CPU Rod McLarge United States flag United States
34399 07480A Display/Driver Rod McLarge United States flag United States
26864 07586A MPU/CPU Antti Peltonen Finland flag Finland
35695 07595A Display/Driver Antti Peltonen Finland flag Finland
25961 07656A Display/Driver Antti Peltonen Finland flag Finland
42798 07801A Power Supply Rod McLarge United States flag United States
42807 07880A Solenoid Driver Rod McLarge United States flag United States
49823 07921A Power Supply Rod McLarge United States flag United States
49967 07923A Display/Driver Rod McLarge United States flag United States
51626 08079A MPU/CPU Rod McLarge United States flag United States
30869 08141A MPU/CPU Pistol Pete United States flag United States
35642 08244A Display/Driver Rod McLarge United States flag United States
39386 08885A Display/Driver Rod McLarge United States flag United States
34323 08955A Power Supply Rod McLarge United States flag United States
20728 09002A Display/Driver John Vorwerk United States flag United States
30715 09097A Solenoid Driver John Vorwerk United States flag United States
34185 09104A Display/Driver Rod McLarge United States flag United States
51221 09268A Display/Driver John Vorwerk United States flag United States
35804 7733 Other/Unknown Rod McLarge United States flag United States

This section lists any known information about how to physically find serial numbers on games created by this manufacturer. For all manufacturer tips, please visit the Serial Tips Page . (Please do not post serial numbers here on this form.)

Posted 10/2/2008 2:04:32 AM by Mal Voisin
Serial found stamped in ink on top of head.
Posted 6/12/2009 5:25:53 PM by Larry Tuma
Serial number in lower cabinet on right side on top of 1st stiffener. Also on right top inside near ball shooter
Posted 9/17/2010 2:38:21 AM by Max Bowman
Stamped in upper left of cabinet on front panel above coin door. In timber. This is between the coin door and removable steel strip that holds the glass in.
Posted 6/5/2012 10:47:57 PM by Frederic ROBIN
Serial found inside cabinet nearby front door, stamped.
Members can submit new tips on how to find serial numbers! Sign up for a free membership here!

This game has the following serial number formats defined in the database. As serial numbers are sumbitted, trends are recognized and defined or information about a serial number format is collected through historical information.

Production Game 05563, 05570, 05593 ^(?<sortdata>[0-9]?[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])$ 1000 False
Game PCB 05563A, 05570A ^(?<sortdata>[0-1][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])(A)$ 1000 True
Sample Game 01023S, 01184S ^(?<sortdata>0[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])(S?)$ 1000 1999 False

The Serial Bot Summary information here gives a detailed explanation of the Serial Bot analysis for this specific game. The theory behind the Serial Bot is this...

Every game has many many serial number submissions, the goal of the IPSND is not to guarantee that *all* information is 100% correct but that over time, the system should automatically devalue inaccurate submissions while increasing the value of correct submissions.

You may click on the SerialBot score of any submission to see how it was calculated.

SerialBot Color Codes:
- Not Validated The serial number submission has not yet been validated by the submitter via email.
- Unknown There is no known information on the serial number format for this game yet. As more submissions are received we can start to make a best guess on the serial number format.
- Good If a serial does not fail any of the tests for a status of Warning or Bad, then it is good.
- Suspect A serial will have a suspect status if the format is technically correct but there is something wrong with the data. Examples might be that the number might be too high or low for the known range of serials for this game.
- Bad If a game has a serial number definition mask defined for it, then a serial may be marked as 'bad' if the number does not validate agains the mask. Masks are created for games by looking at known serial number formats and consist of a regular expression to define the format of a game serial.

SerialBot Scores:
1 Point Awarded if the serial number has a game assigned to it. This autoatically makes submissions with a known game more valuable than submissions without a known game.
1 Point Awarded if the serial number has been 'verified' by the submitter. A submission is 'verifed' if the submitter clicks on the link in the email sent to them for each submission. The basis for this rule is that submissions by people that do not take the time to respond to the email might be entering garbage data and/or giving fake email addresses. However, it is common for 'verification' emails to get stuck in spam filters etc, so, members may have 'verification' emails re-sent at any time.
1 Point Awarded if the submitted serial number matches one of the predefined serial number masks for this game.
1 Point Awarded if the serial number was marked as 'Physically Viewed' during the submission process. This is an interesting distinction as there are many times that serial numbers are submitted off owners lists, Ebay auction, etc. While these serial numbers are valuable, they may also be innacurate. In comparison, Physically Viewed serial number submissions are numbers that the submitter has actually been in front of the machine reading the number and then submitting it. Since it is more likely to get a good visual from a physically viewed machine, this gains an extra point.
1 Point If a photo is uploaded with the serial number submission. The submission automatically gains an additional point. Be aware however that this opens the submission up to 'Nudges' by members where even more points can be added or subtracted based upon the quality and accuracy of the photo.
-3 to +3 Points Members can 'Nudge' every sumitted photo once and give it an extra boost of 1 point or take away 1 point depending if the photo matches the submitted serial number. While any number of members may nudge a serial, the nudging can only affect the score by +/- 3 points in either direction.

The following map shows the locations of all serial numbers that were submitted with a geolocation...